So Sabrina was complaining that I hadn't posted anything on my blog, even though no one (including her) really reads this sum'bitch. Then she saw me getting the picture of Jonathan for my post about the concert and totally made an "I'm disgusted about this" sound. I asked her what she wanted me to write about, and she said I should write about the plants we want to get for our apartment. She was also helpful enough to suggest I mention the "stupid plant" that I want to get.
I'm pretty sure she was talking about the bonsai tree I was planning on getting. It's not one of the classic bonsai trees, it's one where is has the little leaves that make it look even more like a freaky shrunk normal tree.
Sabrina told me the reason she hates bonsai trees is because they usually have crooked trunks. What is up with that? Then she said we could get a miniature version of the indoor tree she wants, but that's up to her to buy.
Like most people, when I initially thought about pissing in the pool that is the "Blogosphere" my head was filled with visions of pay-per-click ads, pudding, and large checks made out to CASH. But of the posts I have so far, the first one was the most popular based on the number of comments it received. And all it said was:
Holy fuck manOh shit!
Is this the kind of stunt that a Matt Drudge, an Arianna Huffington, even a Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would employ? I think Mahmoud's first post was a light-hearted retelling of his vaguely Obamaesque rise from rags to riches. Mine definitely pales in comparison, but I want to know what he was doing up at 04:12 working on his blog?
I have abandoned all hope for monetary gain from this blog, unless I can develop some kind of dick pills to sell to, well, I guess myself because as I mentioned earlier no one reads this.