Exhibit B <--- Make a clicking thing here!
I'm not really sure where to start on this one, (Oh yes I am...) but it might be with good old Lou calling the US and A the most progressive country on the earth. Okay, no it's really with him referring to Condi Rice and although not by name but certainly through implication, my main man Barry Obama, with the adjective "cotton-pickin'" in his mini-rant about how he can't call them coloreds anymore without someone getting on his extremely old case. He does catch himself just before he ads the hyphen and pickin', but you know it's there, I know it's there, and the citizens of the most progressive nation on Allah's green Earth know it's there. It's bubbling just below that vascular, wrinkled old skull-front that is Lou Dobbs' forehead (and his great-grandchildrens' favorite place to wipe their boogers).
On a related note, can we change the constitution to prohibit anyone old enough to refer to "dinner" as "supper" is too old to be president?
Wow he must be some amazing and progressive guy to have the ball(s) to finally celebrate the diversity of America, something no one has ever done before!
I second the "Supper" initiative. This should also cover references to the "boobtube", calling a trip to the movies "going to see a show," and calling Google "The Google" as well as attributing human emotions to the search engine.
Looks like none of our grandparents, (or mom haha) can be president.
Mallory jr. is not to be trusted. She of course is under the influence ("dating") of one of those filthy potato munchers, and you know how much they worship their king with that pointy hat who sits in Rome. But she does have a point, Lou Dobbs really only has one nut. He lost it in Thunderdome while knife fightin' a DBP ( dirty brown person ) for his supper.
how rude! i don't even know who you could be talking about, the jr. can't be tied down!
Lou Dobbs is a creepy old isolationist, who tries to stir up anti-immigrant rhetoric to placate the geezerly viewership of CNN. This is nothing new in America, as people were saying the same thing about those dirty Italians and rabble-rousing Irish a century ago.
Cool blog, I followed you from Acute Politics. I'll have to add you to my reader.
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