Okay, I was hipped to this new Animal Collective video by Mallory Jr., and it's full of Animal Awesomeness. It's a live performance of a new song called, "Brother Sport." It's got the hypnotic rhythms that AC have made a staple of their jams, stoned-monk harmonic chanting, with some good bleeps and bloops all simmering in the crock pot with a tasty bay leaf, and more than a pinch of Avey Tare screaming into the mic. What else could you want? You better say nothing.
If you like it leave some comments! If you don't like it leave some comments! My blog get's lonely without any commments! And the person who keeps posting as anonymous saying my blogs are bloggy isn't going to get any dinner tonight if she doesn't make a user name...
"Ronald Reagan is a diseased midget steeped in chocolate slimfast!" - - James Inman
Songs of the As-Yet-To-Be-Determined-Time-Period!
I have been meaning to sign up for some dumb file hosting website for awhile now, but never really got around to it until now, which is why I am making this post. I wanted to be cool like all my blogger heroes (Here's lookin' at you, Perez!) and put up some illegal music. No Lou, not music made by THE illegals, songs that I am distributing without owning the copyright. Although, I am encouraging people who like these jams to go and buy them at their local independent record store. Wow, that totally makes me sound like a prick!!
First up, I Should Have Known Better by She & Him. I know, I know. "What a douche," you say, "starting with a Beatles cover." Whatevs, I'm not sweating it. She is Zooey Deschanel and He is M. Ward.
Next we have For Reverend Green by Animal Collective. Probably everyone has already heard of them and thinks I am just trying to compensate for the first song being a Beatles cover (Douche!) and also an actor/actress band. I guess it's better you think that than think it's to compensate for my tiny penis.
Last Jam of the As-Yet-To-Be-Determined-Time-Period is Pu$$y by Bangers & Cash. Again, this song is already kinda old, but when I checked my iTunes this album had the most plays, which is kinda weird (but not really because I did listen the shit out of it). Plus, I get to show I am hip and with it and all that. I picked this song because it features the line, "Sittin' home poppin' boners to That's So Raven" which is probably the funniest thing I've ever heard. Funniest and most true.

animal collective,
bangers and cash,
she and him
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