"Ronald Reagan is a diseased midget steeped in chocolate slimfast!" - - James Inman


Awesomeness!!! Animal Awesomeness!!!

Okay, I was hipped to this new Animal Collective video by Mallory Jr., and it's full of Animal Awesomeness. It's a live performance of a new song called, "Brother Sport." It's got the hypnotic rhythms that AC have made a staple of their jams, stoned-monk harmonic chanting, with some good bleeps and bloops all simmering in the crock pot with a tasty bay leaf, and more than a pinch of Avey Tare screaming into the mic. What else could you want? You better say nothing.

If you like it leave some comments! If you don't like it leave some comments! My blog get's lonely without any commments! And the person who keeps posting as anonymous saying my blogs are bloggy isn't going to get any dinner tonight if she doesn't make a user name...


Mallory Jr. said...

THIS SONG IS THE CUT!!!!! I like how you link to my dead blog haha. You are so trying to make your blog legit and look like you have blogger friends.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.